Socialization is the process through which we are taught the norms, values, and customs of our society, family, and species. Toronto Puppy School places an enormous amount of our time and effort on socialization because puppies present a really unique opportunity for the first few months of their lives: they are extremely easy to convince that the things they encounter are safe and enjoyable.
Dogs are an altricial species, which means that they are born needing direct care in the form of food and company. This is in contrast to species like horses who can run just hours after they’re born. The reason this is important is that altricial species are born with a wide socialization window in which they learn what is “safe” and what is “unsafe”. For puppies, this socialization window where they are able to learn so much so quickly about their world begins closing between 12-16 weeks of age and is pretty well entirely closed by the time a puppy reaches 6 months. After 6 months old, it takes a lot more more work to convince dogs that new things are fun and safe.
We know that dogs who feel safe behave better, so while we have this incredible opportunity, we work feverishly to introduce our puppies to as many people, places, things, and procedures as we can and make it fun and positive. The more things we teach them are safe now, the less training puppuies will need in their adulthood when they’re faced with new challenges.